Well our brave PM I spoke of recently has nationalized BTL and in his address in Belmopan on August 24 he mentioned the "V" word. Here is an excerpt from PM Barrows address:

"In addition, the Accommodation Agreement stipulated that the PUC could not regulate Telemedia's rates, leaving the consumers at their mercy. But it still did not stop there. All other existing Telecoms licenses (excepting Speednet's - about which more later) had to be revoked. Voice Over Internet Protocol, which we all know gives consumers the cheapest option, is outlawed. Telemedia is able to refuse interconnection to any and everyone, including internet service providers. And the PUC cannot, for any cause and no matter what the complaint, in any way touch or alter Telemedia's license. Finally, the Accommodation Agreement binds each government department, agency, or associated body, to use only Telemedia's services at onerous pre-arranged rates until 2015, and thereafter for successive 3 year renewal periods."

Our PM has made it clear that VOIP should not be denied to consumers and that must include businesses. We all must contact every government official, the BTB, BTIA, Chambers of Commerce, newspapers, TV stations.........eveyone and demand VOIP be restored.

It is no longer a matter of passing a law or SI, it's simply for the board of directors of the new BTL saying to stop blocking VOIP.

The economic boost this would give our businesses all over the country and expecially those in the tourism industry in incalculable. LET'S DO IT NOW !!!!