Manuela Ayuso Cantun reporting�
"The Commercial Free Zone is rebounding from the effects of the global recession it experienced last year. All indications are that the government of Belize stands to receive 10 million dollars in revenues from the importation of goods to the free zone. David Ackerman says this is stands to be the best the zone has done since it was established 15 years ago.

David Ackerman - CEO, Corozal Free Zone
"The trade has been in its upright position for this year as compared to the last three and a half years. We have met our imports compared to 2010 from the month of August so that will translate into more social fee funds for the Government of Belize. Last year we surpassed the expected budget for Government by $2 million, I expect that this year we will surpass it a lot more than that so that is an indication that business is picking up."

Ackerman says this weekend alone saw hundreds of visitors as the result of an aggressive media campaign in Mexico.

David Ackerman - CEO, Corozal Free Zone
"We had a huge amount of people visiting us, we had 67 tour buses coming to the Free Zone between Saturday and Sunday and we had close to 4,000 vehicles coming in. I am expecting that this trend will continue right up to the holidays. When we see business heading to this direction it is an indicator that there will be more importation which translates into more fees for Government, it translates that stability will be within the labour force and could translate also that they would be employinfg some part timrs, students during the holidays."

While this will likely be a record breaking year for the Commercial Free Zone, Ackerman says there is still a lot to be done.

David Ackerman - CEO, Corozal Free Zone
"We will continue to work towards the development of our infrastructure. We hope this year that we should be more work on the streets, building on the aesthetic of the place; this is what we are looking forward. We are talking to the Taiwanese Government through the International Cooperation for Development Fund, we are talking to them to see the possibility of how we could get financial support from them for this major work."