REPORT #135 Nov 1999

Produced by the Belize Development Trust

Big H Enterprise Limited, producers of an expanding range of refreshing natural fruit juices, has taken on the challenge to reach for a share of the international export market.

The company, which has enjoyed significant growth here in Belize with its Big H brand of orange juice, coconut water and Vida drinking water, has now set its sights on selling its products to Europe, where there is a ready market for top quality tropical juices.

"From the inception we have emphasized the highest quality of production, packaging and marketing," declared manager and founder, Mr. Richard Harrisom "We plan to focus on these same principles which have made our products successful in Belize."

Although the scale economy in Belize is a limiting factor, the company is taking the bold step to build its production capacity-to take on niche markets. They expect that their planned investments in plant, product development and marketing will allow them to become profitably competitive in their targeted export. markets.

Big H plans to take advantage of the trendy health craze sweeping through Europe. Since 1988, Big H has been emphasizing the health benefits of its nutritious, natural fruit juices over the carbonated, caffeinated alternatives. Big H juices are full of natural sweetness and wholesome goodness which puts it in a class by itself. The juice company has encouraged this healthy perception by sponsoring nutrition programmes, where young people, especially the children, are actively encouraged to eat wholesome foods and drink nutritious natural fluids to promote a healthy lifestyle and to protect the environment. The consumers associate Big-H products with sporting events, health and educational promotion, environmental awareness, as well as the promotion of Belizean culture and artists.

Richard Harrison says he is aware that Big H will need to take a big step forward, broaden its range of beverage products and take a bigger share of the domestic market if the company is to succeed in its export drive.

"We are putting into place ultra high quality controls, adopting international standards- for packaging and taste quality and building synergistic networks while working on efficiencies to lower our cost of production," Harrison said.

The company has already begun to diversify with grapefruit and pineapple juices. It has just launched a new brand of Big H Seaweed beverage, which, like its now famous Big H Coconut Water, is breaking new ground for initiative and dynamism. Big H has also begun to experiment with seasonal fruit such as watermelon, canteloupe and papaya.

"If purchasing these Belizean products help to build the Belizean economy, then each person can 'play a role in this development," Harrison says. "Big H is in the forefront of developing-a profitable juice and natural produce market for Belize. We develop the industry and the economy by providing business for farmers, factory workers, transporters, harvesters, retailers, advertisers, professional services, and local investors. We want everyone in our country to move with confidence and hope as the Third Millennium approaches."

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