REPORT #177 Feb 2000

Produced by the Belize Development Trust

Dr. Jack Sheridan, a USA citizen and Shriner, has made over twenty trips to Belize on behalf of the Shriner program and Illinois Rotary District Belizean Crippled Childrens Project.

He comes to screen children for operations in the USA and oversee what is happening to children that have returned.

In a surprise APPRECIATION AWARD CEREMONY at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in one of the district towns, this being the old colonial capital and port, the good doctor was given a little ceremony. Surprised and overwhelmed with emotion, tears came to his eyes.

Edward Broaster a policeman now, said his spine had a curvature of 68 degrees and it was straightened through the program as a child. Today, he is a successful police officer.

Dr. Jack Sheridan and all those good people in the USA involved in this program have the heartfelt gratitude of all Belizeans for their caring and sharing of their compassion and efforts.

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