REPORT #574 December 2002
Limited only by ideas, initiative and hours of sweaty work!

Produced by the Belize Development Trust

Why SECRET? Cause if the bureacrats and politicians of little Belize, get wind of the potential, they will wreck the fledgling startup software business with interference. A new business in Belize better be paranoid.

Success Story!

There is an old school chum of mine who is also a friend whose name I will not call since I am not sure if he would want attention drawn to himself who has literally made millions developing software in Belize using Belizean programmers. This guy is a young Belizean who had an entrepreneurial spirit way before it was chic. He has done quite well.

He utilizes the services of local Belizean software programmers to create custom software to his specifications. One of his websites (and software programs) is called pay manager, which is similar to paypal. The Belizean software programmers did the software for him, he did his website, and now has contracts to process payments for online casinos all over the world. This software can be found at The level of payments that pass through paymanager and the commissions alone from the payments he processes are staggering.

Not to mention, the Pay Manager software will shortly go public on the U.S. stock exchange.

Another of his Belizean-created software programs is called One Bin. One Bin ( is the creation of consolidation software for consumers needing a virtual office in the U.S. for delivery of products. It is all inclusive and allows you to track on the internet which, if any, of your shipments has arrived at their warehouse, allows you with the click of a button to send an order to have whichever items that you have ordered shipped when you say so. It also allows your vendors or clients to leave phone messages for you by calling a U.S. number, the messages which you can listen to over the internet without having to be present in the U.S. It probably offers much more services than I can remember but he has also done real well selling that software and the service to the Caribbean.

Another of his programs he is currently working on is a one stop reservations software for small businesses, that allows your clients to check availability, make reservations, and pay for bookings all over the internet with only clicks of a button. Payments are made in U.S. Dollars by clients and you, the end receiver, also gets to keep U.S. Dollars instead of the Belize Dollars we currently instead get to keep with the current system we have with the local banks. I understand from him that this software has already been endorsed by the Caribbean Hotel Association and should be made available soon for a small monthly fee along the lines of $14.95 per month or so.

The lesson here, I guess, is that if you use your imagination you can always be the one to beat the odds and get ahead, no matter what the circumstances.

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