Originally Posted by Phil
Oh come on Amanda you don't mean that - must have been before you had your first cup of coffee. There's no reason at all you can't use Belizean pictures and blow these false advertisers right out of the water - we have some of the worlds greatest natural and man made wonders!!!

Also I was under the impression Destination Belize was a BTIA publication.

Yes Phil - let me clarify what I MEANT to say - I meant to say that the photos of other places that blow away our shots of awesome natural wonders in Belize are also touched up, you know, airbrushed and every other feature that photoshop has to offer.

Of course those false advertisers not only use bogus photos but reams of false promises and out and out lies to sell their products. As JZB said earlier, no wonder some visitors are disappointed when they arrive.

Belize has so much to offer our visitors, but I wish we could exceed their expectations by not enticing them here with the load of crap that you see advertised these days.

And yes destination Belize is a BTIA publication.