I have never found guard dogs to be a problem, they know their place. The people I know on AC with pets have NEVER been a problem. The people walking their dogs on the beach in front of our place have never been a problem. I think the problem is the owners on the island that have 4 or 5 or (I have seen as many as 6) dogs in their complex with no supervision or love or affection or , for that matter any human contact whatsoever. Then when, accidentally or not, they get loose and the "pack mentality" takes over and problems arise.

I have never understood the mentality of a person that takes on an animal for their own personal gratification. I.E. the kids that walk the Pit Bulls on a leash and can hardly hold on under the strain, or on the other end of the spectrum, the person that has a $5,000 dog that they put in the dog show and then in the kennel. The animals IMHO that we have as pets are our friends, our confidants, our source of amusement, our listeners, and, most importantly, a part of our family.

The recent poisonings of the dogs on the island sickens me more than anyone can know, concurrently, the people that have "pets" that are not loved or cared for is equally disturbing.