Medical Policy

By Abdulmajeed K Nunez

Historically Belize had high standards medically
Elders talk of medical quality
In yesteryears paying twenty five cents for dentistry
Doctors visiting schools regularly
Paying $1.25 for dental surgery
Thirty years later have we regressed?
Is there provisions for a school health unit in Gob's impress?
Despite advancement in technology
Doctors returning from study
Now rat di bight baby!
Has gained us more embarrassment internationally

There is a National Reproductive Health policy
Between 2004 to 2006 if mi mind noh di slip mi
Emergernt Corp did the consultancy
Now we have NHI where the follow up studies?
Why are there no reports on the quality?
We should be re visiting that data constantly
Then adjusting accordingly
There must be accountability,
After all it is our social security money
We need to defend it constantly

Based on triarch or priority
The focus is that they are accompanied
Zero to five for children, what is the school health policy?
A semi American system where children get check up annually
Why are there only two urologists in the country?
We need a men's health clinic in this country
The policy say zero to ninety what provisions are there for it?
Even thought there is provision for adolescent health
When will the impact of the provision is not being felt

Why can't teenagers access a gynecologist freely
Or access birth control without company
Why can teenage go to the clinic for birth control
Arn't our policy makers over stepping their role
Studies show early sexual activity
Don't they have a right to protect their anatomy?
To do HIV test or having a baby
Teenagers need to be accompanied
If they are ill will they be denied access medical facilities
We need to revisit that policy
What happens if there is an emergency?
Will the teenager be left to die?
Is there a conflict constitutionally?