While the BNTU were in downtown Belize City, the PSU were busy devising their latest method of protest - boycotting the media.

Last night the BNTU president explained that they were in discussion to start boycotting media houses that play the paid political ads with an anti-union message. While they have yet to issue an official release on the matter, the Public Service Union has joined them. Today, the PSU announced that it will be boycotting media houses that play the ads - which they describe is government's way of union busting. And while they are concerned about the financial, physical, and human resources it takes to produce one of these ads, they say they're also concerned about, quote, "poor judgement" of the media houses that play them.

The release from the PSU also says, quote, "While the PSU acknowledges that media houses are private entities with the right to generate revenues through advertisement or other acceptable means, the Union does not believe that the promotion of hate for profit should form part of any media organization business model." End quote. They are calling on the media houses to ensure the contents of the political ads reflect the true message of the unions as it concerns good governance as well as the salary cuts. In the event this does not occur, the PSU will not offer comments, engage in interviews or make appearances on any shows with the media houses who continue to play the ads with misinformation.

Channel 7