Lan, My wife informed me she may not be accepted by the party requiring a notary. I don't think it is illegal for her to do it though. If accepted by the party requiring it what is the harm? If not, the person would have to find another way. Proof of ID is the same and I would think that most wanting this would possess a passport which is an excellent ID. I suspect there wouldn't be a problem and it would be accepted in most cases but....? There is no fraud or intent to deceive involved.
I just asked my wife to be sure and she informed me that it is very unusual that the location of where this takes place, meaning city, county or whatever is identified in the notarization. The stamp itself of course does say, in this case, Massachusetts. Some legal forms do ask. I suspect in most cases no one pays much attention to this detail.
When I was off sailing I had a stamp made with the vessels name ect. that I would use as an official stamp for clearing crew for immigration and customs. Other important papers that had to go to officialdom. The stamp meant nothing, wasn't official, legal or anything but it made all the different in the world for smoothing things over. I would sign below as the Captain and everyone was happy.