The first of several public consultations with village councils, water boards and the general public with the aim of obtaining community participation and feedback on the proposed amendments to the Water Board Act legislation will start on Friday in the Toledo district. As part of achieving all the eight Millennium Development goals by 2015, particularly Goal seven which concentrates on 'Ensuring Environmentally Sustainability', sub section seven C aims to improve on access of safe drinking water and basic sanitation in Belize. As part of the Millennium Development Goals Action Plan Framework, a Country Action Plan was developed which identified the Water Board Legislation as needing revision and strengthening. In response to the identified challenges, the The Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme-Belize and the National Association of Village Councils have developed a draft of the proposed amendments to the Water Board Act legislation which is now open for public comment, through national level consultations. These consultations will provide feedback before the proposed legislation is presented to the National Assembly for consideration. The first consultation will be held in the Toledo District on Friday in Punta Gorda Town at seven a -m at the Father Ring Parish Hall.