As San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye continues to expand, the need for more services continues to increase with the growing population. One of these services is a more affordable way of commuting. As a result, a private entity, Taly Corporation, has proposed investing in a public transportation system for Ambergris Caye. The proposal indicates that in the beginning, a portion of the profits will go to a non-profit organization on the island. After meeting the return on their capital investment, 100% of the profits will be donated to an island non-profit group. The project would be under the San Pedro Public Transport Company Ltd, an offspring of Taly Corporation, a company based in the United States with 15 years of operating in San Pedro. According to representatives from Taly Corporation, the efforts to bring this project to fruition have involved meetings with local and central government authorities. The proposal is yet to be approved. The plan is to offer island residents public transportation options besides only taxis.
The transportation system will be funded entirely by Taly Corporation without the need for public funding. All profits will be donated to local non-profit organizations. Any group may apply for funding and a local board will choose where the money goes. The public transportation system will include multiple pricing options, including reduced fare options for students, the elderly, and the disabled. There will also be monthly passes. Fares will be issued through a digital ticketing system. Taly noted that fares would be determined based on rates dictated by the Ministry of Transport
As per the international transport consultants, the size of the public vehicles could be 14-16-seater shuttle buses. The initial operation will operate 24- hours per day, seven days per week, and the service will create local jobs. The route includes 20 designated bus stops, ranging from Mahogany Bay Village in the south to Secret Beach in the north. Of importance is that travel luggage will not be permitted. Once the San Pedro Public Transport Company Ltd can start operating, their fleet size and frequency of the routes will increase as demand grows. The company is also exploring electric buses to lessen environmental impacts. They are also considering offering lower fares as ridership increases and additional concessions from the government.
Read the full proposal here. The Facebook page for the San Pedro Public Transport Company Ltd. is located here: