I'm after, preferably, a 3 seater sofa and 2 armchairs in good condition! (but will happily look at other combinations) I have liked the ones out of Hummingbird, but they're really expensive! Their 3 seater turns into a queen bed which would be handy, but not necessary!
If anyone could help me out or point me in the right direction of where to find them at a decent price, please let me know!
Cheers smile
Courts in Belize City has some basic designs, it's not great furniture but it's not too bad, prices are affordable.
Check out Mirab as well. Better quality than Courts and better design.
Lovey knows !
Thanks guys! The only other place I've now been informed of is Dave's furniture world! Looks like a trip to the mainland coming up........
Mirab is better but much more expensive (imported goods, name and AC in the showroom) than Courts. I like Dave's the best! For competitive pricing check out some of the Chinese stores around the canals you need to ask because they don't always display their furniture and keep in mind that you need to negotiate a price. You can find Mennonites at North Front street in the morning, and they will get or make what you want. C's furniture here on the island also sells Mennonite stuff.
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