How much do things cost in San Pedro and Belize?

Here are a few items and their price at "The Island Supermarket", August of 2004...
All prices in US$$
Cokes, 16 oz $.75   Apple Juice, 1 gallon $9.50
Milk, 1 qt. box fresh $1.55   Orange Juice, 1 gallon fresh- street vendors $5.00
Cheese, 8 oz. Cheddar $3.93   Bottled water, 1 gallon $1.50
bread, 1 loaf $1.50-$2   flour, 5 pounds $3.20
maple syrup, 24 oz. $3.35   toilet paper, 4 pak $1.50-$3
Snack Ramen $.35   Corn Flakes cereal 18 oz. $4.30
Chopped ham 340 grams $3.30   Ketchup 40 oz. $2.75
Baked Beans 840 grams $2.25   Whole tomatoes, canned 14 1/2 oz. $1.43
Hand soap, bar 75 cents   Tide dry laundry soap, 330z $7.85
Vegetable oil, 38 oz. $3.50   Mayonnaise, 32 oz glass jar $4.75
Margarine, 32 oz. tub $1.48   Dawn Dish Soap, liquid, 12oz. $2.30
Local brands of cigarettes are $1.50, US brands $4.25   Local rums (and Belize-made vodka and other booze) are fairly inexpensive, mostly around US$6 to $8 a bottle. Imported booze is much more expensive than in the U.S.

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