What health issues do i need to worry about?

The standards of health and hygiene on Ambergris Caye are high, similar to that of popular resort islands in the Caribbean. Not many visitors become ill from traveler’s diseases or from drinking the water. While malaria, dengue fever and other tropical diseases are present in Belize, they are rare in San Pedro, and as a practical matter many visitors to Ambergris Caye don’t get any special shots before they come. No shots are required for entry into Belize. However, it’s always a good idea to keep tetanus, polio, Hep A and B and other vaccinations up to date, and malaria prophylaxsis may be advised for mainland travel; it is highly advised if you are going to remote areas or into Guatemala. Better be safe than sorry. Check with the U.S. Centers for Disease Controls, tel. 404-332-4559 for the latest information. The biggest vacation-spoiler on Ambergris is probably sunburn. You’re only 18 degrees of latitude north of the Equator, and the sub-tropical sun is much stronger than back home.

A new hospital has been built by the San Pedro Lions Club.

If you get sick on the island or need medical attention, a good bet is to call Dr. Otto Rodriguez, at 226-2854 and he will fix you up fine.

For list of doctors on the island, click here: https://ambergriscaye.com/phonebook/

A Lions Club Clinic provides emergency and some routine care. There are several physicians, nurses and a volunteer dentist resident on the island, and MUA-Belize south of town is an offshore medical school. Dentists and private medical clinics are available in Belize City. More-serious problems can be treated at Karl Heusner Hospital in Belize City, a modern hospital albeit one reportedly plagued by equipment problems and supply shortages. Those with even more serious or life-threatening problems may wish to get care in Mexico, Guatemala or the U.S.

For an in-detailed look at staying healthy in Belize, though not written specifically for Ambergris Caye, click here: https://ambergriscaye.com/pages/town/healthy.html .

And here for Belizean natural healing methods, click here: https://ambergriscaye.com/pages/medicine.html



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