What is the deepest port in Belize?

You can get a freighter with 6-12 feet into Big Creek. Belize River bar is one foot most of the time. At the port they dredge but it doesn’t get much deeper.

the main San Pedro cut has an 7 ft controlling draft. The water is 7-10 ft deep for anchoring in front of San Pedro, with a sand bottom - no rocks.

No problem with San Pedro up to 7ft. draft, but one cannot go far once inside the reef.

TMM monitors CH08 from 8am to 5pm and can assist mariners coming through the cut during daylight hours subject to availability of staff (our clients needs have to be taken care of before we can assist).

Make sure you have the Freya Rausher cruising guide which gives an accurate co-ordinate for the cut ( 17 54 21 x 87 57 31 ).

Folks should never attempt going thru the cut in San Pedro in the dark, but can hang on the "Tuffy" divesite buoy (which is about 1000 feet out) safely for a nap if your timing is off. The coordinates for that buoy are  – 17 57 14 x 87 57 17.

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