What is cave tubing?

A great fun trip to the mainland, for a trip you will never forget!

Click here (https://ambergriscaye.com/caving/) for more information... Click here (http://CavesBranch.com/) for Ian Anderson’s Cave Branch and their cave tubing information.

Here’s a lil information from someone who just returned....

We picked up our truck-sized inflated tube with Manuel Lucas, our guide provided by the lodge, and once again trekked over a jungle path until we reached an opening into the cave. We waited until a small group ahead of us was out of earshot before wading into the water to start our adventures. (A tip: Go tubing Thursday through Monday; on other days, cruise ships ferry hundreds of passengers to the caves, making for a raucous time in the cavern.) We drifted lazily and entered the mouth of the cave. There are stalactites and stalagmites still forming, since the Mayan Mountains are limestone karsts. Water seeps from the ground above and the slow steady drip creates the formations over eons. As we lost the last of the outside light, we turned on miners’ headlamps we had been issued. We looked at bat holes above, driftwood caught against the roof in a previous flood. At one point we turned off our lights, just to experience total darkness and silence. The Mayans once used these caves for ritual purposes. With our lights on again, we stopped at a small beach and climbed up the rocks to the top of the cave. There we saw remains of ancient pottery. Just as we had at the beginning of our trip, we tried to imagine what life was like for the original inhabitants, where spirits populated the underworld and there was no electricity. We continued our quiet journey, lost in another world.

These links lead to photos of cave tubing, caving, and Caves Branch:


Article Number: 111
Author: Mon, Dec 14, 2009
Last Updated: Mon, Dec 14, 2009
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/what-is-cave-tubing-111.html