What are ziplines?

Zip-lining is essentially rappelling above the jungle canopy, secured safely by cable and pulley equipment. The adventure sport originated from rappelling, where safety climbing harnesses and ropes are used to repel or jump from one point to another. Jaguar Paw’s Aerial Trek Zip Line Tour is the first in Belize, added within the past year.

Similarly, zip-lining employs a series of cables and platforms suspended high above the ground over the rainforest tree tops; the zip-lines attached from one platform to another allow you to slide via harness and pulley through the tree tops or rainforest canopy. It is 6 or 7 stations, each with 2 main lines(very safe).

The sport allow participants to enjoy a "bird’s eye view" of the jungle

One will often see Howlers and tons of birds..... Great guides and some good fun for sure! The total time is about 90 minutes. There is also a zip-line tour on the left just before the entrance to Tikal National Park. One can stop by after touring Tikal. They have two different tours: one for the family, which is a 20 minute walk with 11 platforms with zip-lines of 75,100,150 meters in length, to a height of 25 meters. The second is located off the highway with 7 platforms, but two of them are 200 meters in length and go to a height of 40 meters. The guides are very nice and one will feel safe the whole time.

Here’s a lil information from someone who just returned....

Our two new adventures were zip lining and cave tubing. We did the zip line in the morning, climbing up a trail to stand atop a wooden platform where we could then glide through and over the jungle canopy on cables attached to seven other platforms.
Our guides George Ramirez and Kristy Frampton re-assured us. They possessed the right balance of care and kidding that put us at ease as they harnessed us to the line. Remember, hold on in front with one hand and keep your gloved hand as far behind you as you can. This keeps you sailing straight, like a keel on a boat and that hand also serves as your brake. Pull down too soon and you may get stuck in the middle. Pull down too late — well, one of them will be on the other platform to keep you from hurting yourself.

A jump off the platform, zip, a little wiggle to the side and a safe landing. Hitched again and like this seven times, each run was more fun than the last. We loved it.

Article Number: 112
Author: Thu, Dec 7, 2006
Last Updated: Thu, Dec 7, 2006
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/what-are-ziplines-112.html