Whats the least expensive way from Belize to Tegucigalpa, Honduras?

The cheapest way would either be to take Linea Dorada and then ADN from Belize City to Guatemala City, and from there Tica Bus to San Salvador and then the economy Tica Bus or other bus to Tegucigalpa ... or else you can take one of the buses that now go about twice a week from Belize City direct to San Salvador (Emar Express or Toucan Bus) and then the economy Tica Bus to Teguz.  The later is about US$85 or $90 one-way total, and the former about the same.  In any event, it’s a long, tiring haul.  The fastest way would be TACA through San Salvador, or else Maya Island (only a couple of times a week, despite what the web site says) to San Pedro Sula, and then either bus or air to Tegucigalpa.

Maya Island Air will start flying to Cancun, Guatemala City, and Honduras next month. The airline announced that it is going regional on July 8th. That’s when the airline will begin flying two return trips to Cancun daily and daily roundtrips to San Pedro Sula Honduras and Guatemala City.

There is now a new weekly through bus service from Belize City to San Pedro
Sula, Honduras. Since Spirit Air has some cheap flights to SPS from
the U.S., this might be an option for some thrifty travelers. It is
still cheaper and a bit faster, though, to go through Cancun.

Express Bus between Belize City and San Pedro Sula
Departs from Mundo Maya Travel, North Front Street, Belize City on
Saturdays at 6:00 am.
Arrives at San Pedro Sula at 6:00 pm.
Returns from San Pedro Sula on Tuesdays.
Cost: US$60 one way.

Tickets must be purchased from Mundo Maya Travel, next door to the
Water Taxi Terminal on North Front Street near the Swing Bridge.
Phone: (501) 223 0457 / 223 1235
Email: mundomayatravels@yahoo.com
(as at Dec 2008)

Article Number: 203
Author: Thu, Jun 18, 2009
Last Updated: Thu, Jun 18, 2009
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/whats-the-least-expensive-way-from-belize-to-tegucigalpa-honduras-203.html