International flights to and from Belize

Currently Belize has the following active routes. Service frequency levels vary according to the time of year.

Several major airlines have daily direct flights from the United States and Central American gateways. All coordinated with European and Canadian connections to land at the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) in Ladyville, which is 20 minutes away from Belize City. Connecting flights and land transfers from Guatemala, Cancun (Mexico) and other Central American countries can be arranged via regional and local airlines and bus companies.

Goldson International Airport Arrival and Flight Status Board
This is an afternoon schedule and flight status report, 12pm-12am. For morning flights hit the drop down to select 12am - 12pm

Article Number: 205
Author: Fri, Feb 6, 2009
Last Updated: Fri, Dec 9, 2022
Author: Marty Casado

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