What do I need to do to pass through customs?

After deplaning from your flight at Philip Goldson International Airport just proceed to customs. More often than not, a customs officer will open your bags, or ask you to do so.

Personal effects can be brought in without difficulty.

A departure tax of $56.00 US is charged when leaving Belize (but not for intransit passengers who have spent less than 24 hours in the country); this must be paid in cash or travellers’ checks (credit cards not accepted for departure tax). Further, travellers entering Belize International by air and connecting to in-country flights are charged a $.75 US security fee. When crossing the Western border between Belize and Guatemala for visits to Tikal and Flores there is a $3.50 charge to depart Belize (but this figure is then deducted from the departure tax when finally leaving from Belize from the International Airport). The visa charge to enter Guatemala at the Western Border is $5.00.

For further information on customs click the links below


Article Number: 21
Author: Thu, Dec 7, 2006
Last Updated: Fri, Apr 14, 2017
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/what-do-i-need-to-do-to-pass-through-customs-21.html