I remember when leaving Belize at the airport we paid an exit tax due prior to boarding our plane. How much is the exit tax per person?

Departure taxes and fees total US$56. To my knowledge, American is the only airline that doesn’t include it in ticket price.
You can pay with Visa or MasterCard in addition to U.S. cash.
American is the only one who collects it at BZE. All other airlines include it in their price.
If you look at the very bottom of your e-tickets, it will show you in fine print the amount of taxes. When you use United, USAir, or TACA, it will list six or seven tax amounts that add up to $56. American tickets do not have that listed.

Article Number: 232
Author: Fri, Apr 30, 2010
Last Updated: Thu, Mar 29, 2018
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/i-remember-when-leaving-belize-at-the-airport-we-paid-an-exit-tax-due-prior-to-boarding-our-plane-how-much-is-the-exit-tax-per-person-232.html