What is minimum weight and age for parasailing? what are the names and contact information for companies offering parasailing on Ambergris. thanks.

Doug is the current owner and it is run out of the FIDO’s dock (where it has always been) the operations are through Funtasea (the mini speedboats).

Not sure if they ever defined the age issue (if you do a tandem there are 2 persons and they adjust for the weight. I know one lady took her infant up with her (not advised!).

I don’t believe they would allow a small child (say, under 65 lbs or so) up by themselves and it depends on how strong the wind is. Tandem is more fun anyway to share the experience 

They did take all the kids up last year for summer camp (2 at a time), which was a highlight. Reservations is 226-FUNN. J

Article Number: 242
Author: Sat, May 21, 2011
Last Updated: Sat, May 21, 2011
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/what-is-minimum-weight-and-age-for-parasailing-what-are-the-names-and-contact-information-for-companies-offering-parasailing-on-ambergris-thanks-242.html