Flying from Belize to Cancun Mexico

Flying from Belize to Cancun Mexico was super easy and very fast compared to going by land or boat. We left Belize at 11:30 am and landed in Cancun at 1:15 pm. As we are leaving Philip Goldson International Airport, it was very overcast and gray, earlier San Pedro looked like it was beautiful cloud formations and we experienced very little turbulence.

Arriving at at Cancun Airport was great, even though I had been there many times from Canada this time around was a new experience arriving on a smaller sized plane. We saw lots of airport action and all sizes of cool looking planes as we walked through the parking area to customs. Getting checked into Cancun was fast and easy. It took about 10 – 15 min for the seven of us to hand in our customs forms and send our bags through the x-ray machine. This was the first time in a long while I did not have to take my laptop and tablet out before putting it on the conveyer belt.

With the recent time change we are the same time as Mexico now so that made it easy for making arrangements. Surendra and Carolyn offered to pick me up at the airport and drop me at hotel Sahara. As soon as I cleared customs and got to the door, I saw Surendra walking towards me. It was great seeing them again and to celebrate Surendra stopped at a Starbucks drive through on our way to Playa.

The plan was for them to drop me off at my hotel to settle in while they went to their Spanish class and they wold come get me after to go to dinner. On the way to eat we ran a few errands we also stopped at OXO to get a sim chip for my phone to make it easy to be in touch with everyone this weekend.

At my craving request we went for Arrachera and it was delicious – melt in your mouth and the grilled onions were divine. We always went to HC Monterey but the Kumars said El Fogon next door was even better and always packed which is a good sign for picking a place to eat. They told me about how when they first moved to Mexico from Belize, they were not fully set up to cook and spent their first week eating dinner there every night – my idea of food heaven

After Dinner we hit Mega so I could grab some coffee and milk for my early morning fix and they took me to a couple of health food store shops to get natural sugar and drool over the many available choices compared to Belize shopping.

A video of Random bits on my flight from Belize to Cancun.

tropic air

About to check in

international airport belize

International airport

philip goldson international airport belize

New Jets Bar could use a little more of the old flavor, Jet is still a character as always

tropic air counter at philip goldson international airport belize

Boarding call for flight to Cancun

tropic air belize

Boarding time

belize mexico

Our plane to Cancun

flying in belize

Full flight

flying in mexico

Fantastic view all up the coast of Mexico as we flew

landing at cancun airport

Landing at Cancun airport

mexico belize

A European pax with his Belize flag

flying in mexico

Cancun Airport

cancun airport mexico

Saw lots of very cool planes as we walked to the terminal

cancun airport

Heading to customs

cancun mexico

Checking in

play del carmen

Sahara Hotel

sahara hotel mexico

Nice lobby seating area

playa del carmen pictures

In San Pedro the Raspados guys have bikes instead of motorcycles

belize mexico

Belize things I brought for our Mexico friends

playa del carmen restaurants

Dinner at El Fogon with Carolyn and Surendra

simple bean soup

Bean soup was delicious

el fogon mexico

People were lined up on the street waiting for a table

mexican food

Surendra had chorizo arrachera

Carolyn and I had the arrachera special

Carolyn and I had the arrachera national special

Tacogirl’s Blog

Article Number: 312
Author: Mon, Nov 25, 2013
Last Updated: Mon, Nov 25, 2013
Author: Marty Casado

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