Looking for videographer

We are getting married on the island and I was wanting some names of a good videographer. We only need 2-3 hours but most of our family and friends are not coming so we want to share our memories with them. Any local contact information(so we don’t have to pay for travel and hotel expenses for a videographer) will be greatly appreciated.

Ben and Joanna Popik run Island Films, they do fabulous work.

peek here:
Not sure what they charge, but they are very good. They shoot Belizean telenovellas, tv ads, weddings, scuba diving, all kinds of things….
And they are very nice!

Article Number: 344
Author: Wed, Nov 19, 2014
Last Updated: Wed, Nov 19, 2014
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/looking-for-videographer-344.html