Belize Departure Tax

In Belize, departure tax is levied when you exit the country. The hight of the Belize departure tax depends on the method you choose to leave the country. Please note, that the departure tax is not included in your visa for Belize, which you must pay when entering Belize. You are both charged when you enter the country, and once again when you exit the country.

Departure Tax can be paid ONLY in US Dollars (US$), Belize Dollars (BZ$) are not accepted.

When departing from the International Airport, an exit fee of US$ 56 per person is charged. These departure costs can be included in the cost of your ticket.

When crossing the border over land, a Belize departure tax of BZ$ 40 / US$ 20 per person is charged.This includes:

Departure Processing Fee: $30.00
PACT Fee: $7.50
Border Development Fee: $2.50

In both cases, children up to the age of 11 (under 12) can leave Belize without paying the tax.

The departure tax must be paid in cash. Credit cards are unfortunately not accepted as a means of paying for your tax. Bear this in mind when arriving at the airport or border crossing to avoid unpleasant surprises.

This information has been provided by Guide to Belize and is reprinted here with their permission. You can see the original page here. Copyright for this information remains with

Article Number: 367
Author: Sun, Jan 25, 2015
Last Updated: Fri, Apr 14, 2017
Author: Marty Casado

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