Getting rid of gecko’s

Anyone have eradication protocols for geckos? Our log house has encouraged too many to leave their calling cards on the floors, in the closets and kitchen cabinets. Heretofore in Belize ,they have manifested themselves as an unobtrusive side show consuming bugs.

- Something that might work is the sticky traps we use in the north for mice they run across them and stick and the more they struggle the more stuck they get. This is like the product I buy here, hope this helps.

- Please don’t use sticky traps. They are horrific and indiscriminate. :-( You can actually catch them with a light goldfish net or butterfly net. Then gently relocate them, perhaps to an outbuilding where they can live happily ever after eating bugs.. and each other :-/


Article Number: 387
Author: Fri, Aug 21, 2015
Last Updated: Fri, Aug 21, 2015
Author: Marty Casado

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