Practically free ways to travel more safely than ever

Practically free ways to travel more safely than ever...and the tired advice most people still don’t follow, but we know we should :)

Over the last 2 years of having friends and guests (and ourselves) in Belize and elsewhere, we have watched as new apps and ways of keeping your stuff safe, communicating more effectively all over the world, and new inventions come up that can turn a potential vacation-ruining experience, into one that you pat yourself on the back, because your past self did your future self some favors by covering your behind!

The first part of this post is some of the newer ways you can prepare yourself before your vacation- some that didn’t even exist several years ago. Second part is some of the old, tired, boring stuff we all KNOW, but we still see first hand how many people do not/will not/forget to follow...and then vacations are ruined and you just want to slap that past self of yours! So, some ideas and gentle reminders...

New stuff that is practically free, so just do it, just in case!

Generic, tired old safety tips about travel.....that are STILL true and STILL people don’t consistently follow, until someone gets burned...don’t let it be you!

A final note on safety, one of my BIGGEST PET PEEVES is when a US news site will post some crime committed in some exotic place in the world, and people make comments like, “well now that place is off my list.” Meanwhile, in their own home city, crimes are going on by the dozens. DO NOT decide about where to vacation based on one random news story, because you may be missing out on some of life’s greatest experiences. If you are truly concerned about crime in a place you haven’t gone, look online at their local newspapers or stalk the city on facebook groups – in small towns like Placencia, you will find the most honest knowledge from people that live here, about what is really happening.

Pure Placencia Blog

Article Number: 429
Author: Wed, Mar 30, 2016
Last Updated: Wed, Mar 30, 2016
Author: Marty Casado

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