Best way to travel from San Pedro to Punta Gorda?

Looking for advice on best way and less expense way to go from San Pedro to the south, Punta Gorda and then back up to Gales Point then to airport. (Traveling end of June 2017)

Do I need to book ahead or can I decide as I am traveling whether to fly or take bus. Any advice will be helpful cheers.


Hi, You can fly from San Pedro to Punta Gorda on Tropic Air or Maya Island, that would be the fastest way. I would go ahead and make reservations for that. 

For the bus, you can fly from San Pedro into Municipal airport in Belize City, and take a bus from there. That would be the cheapest. For that I probably wouldn‘t make reservations...

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have more questions!


Article Number: 496
Author: Tue, May 16, 2017
Last Updated: Tue, May 16, 2017
Author: Marty Casado

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