What does it cost for a vacation in Belize and San Pedro?

Is a vacation on Ambergris Caye expensive? Well, yes and no. Compared to a stay in a small village in the Yucatán or on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, San Pedro is fairly expensive. Compared with St. Barts or Anguilla in the Caribbean, is it is inexpensive.

Overall, excluding airfare, I’d say a vacation in San Pedro costs about the same as a vacation in Florida. On Ambergris, as in Florida, there’s a range of vacation costs, depending on whether you’re staying at budget hotels and eating burritos, or staying in beachfront resorts and dining well.

Here’s an estimate of what it costs, for a week’s vacation, per person, at budget, moderate and luxury levels. This is based on two people traveling together, in-season (mid-December to Easter). You can get by on somewhat less, or spend a good deal more. Off-season, the hotel will cost 20% to 40% less, but other items will be about the same. Figures shown are estimates and don’t include air fare to Belize, international departure fees, any airport transfer fees or gifts. Hotel rates include service, if any, and 7% hotel tax.

Budget Level
(Per Person for Week’s Vacation)
Round-trip ferry from Belize City to San Pedro US$25
Room at a budget hotel US$175
Meals at budget restaurants US$105
Entertainment (informal activities; rum drinks at local bars) US$35
1 snorkel trip US$15
Miscellaneous (tips, personal purchases, fees) US$49
Total: US$404
Moderate Level
(Per Person for Week’s Vacation)
Round-trip air fare from Belize Municipal Airport to San Pedro US$46
Room at attractive mid-priced beachfront hotel: US$385
Meals at moderate restaurants US$175
Entertainment (drinks, dancing) US$105
1 snorkel trip US$17
2 two-tank dives US$95
1 day’s golf cart rental US$60
1 day cruise US$55
1 day excursion to Altun Ha US$60
Miscellaneous US$70
Total: US$1,068
Luxury Level
(Per Person for Week’s Vacation)
Round-trip air fare from Belize International to San Pedro US$90
Room at upmarket resort US$700
Meals at expensive restaurants US$350
Entertainment (drinks, dancing) US$175
2 snorkel trips US$34
Atoll/Blue Hole diving trip US$185
2 days’ golf cart rental US$120
1 day excursion to Lamanai US$125
1 day fishing charter US$190
1 day trip via air to Tikal US$250
Miscellaneous US$140
Total: US$2,359

Article Number: 73
Author: Thu, Dec 7, 2006
Last Updated: Thu, Dec 7, 2006
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/what-does-it-cost-for-a-vacation-in-belize-and-san-pedro-73.html