Where is a good place to eat in San Pedro?

Ambergris Caye has Belize’s widest selection of restaurants of interest to visitors, ranging from inexpensive local spots and pizza joints to a few that are rated among the finest in the world. The emphasis is on seafood, of course, but many restaurants also serve chicken and pork. Lobster is usually the most-expensive item on the menu (in-season mid-July to mid-February), at around US$20. Pasta and Mexican-style dishes also are popular. After all that pricey seafood, an honest plate of Belizean beans and rice will taste real good. Dress is very casual, even at the spiffy places.

San Pedro’s restaurants caters to all tastes from seafood to burritos; from Italian, Chinese or just a sandwich. Of course, many restaurants feature Belizean cuisine (fish, bar-b-que, rice and beans, etc.) Whatever you are craving, you can find it at any one of the several restaurants. For a list of restaurants on this site, click here.

For VERY interesting threads on whats good to eat here check out this message board thread...



Article Number: 82
Author: Wed, Dec 20, 2006
Last Updated: Wed, Dec 20, 2006
Author: Marty Casado

Online URL: https://ambergriscaye.com/help/article/where-is-a-good-place-to-eat-in-san-pedro-82.html