Articles Search Results

Belize Money

Since Belize currency and spending options is often a subject that comes up around peoples travel plans I decided to include some basic information on Belize money. Belize uses the Belize Dollars it’s main currency, also referred to as $BZ / $B Read More

I am working on deciding on which home alarm system to bring down and a question came up about what the SMS Gateway for Digicell in Belize is. This is the path for an email to be sent to someone as a text message on a phone. Do you know the answer?

They block it. I assume you have a system that sends email when events are triggered and you want the email to go out to a Belize number like which would show up as text. They block the ability of people to recieve SMS by email in Be Read More

Starting A Business In Belize

Whether it’s large or small, starting a business in Belize is a great idea. The type and size of your business all depends on your target market. If you’re catering to local Belizeans, bear in mind that the country has a small population Read More

Moving to Belize

From its secluded beaches to its steamy rain forests, Belize is a country of diverse natural beauty. Its slow pace of life makes it a popular tourist destination, and cost of living is still low. For the more adventurous traveler, activities can incl Read More

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