Articles Search Results

What does it takes to get a voter ID?

When we got to the voters registration office on Middle street, it was very fast. They confirmed that both of us had been in Belize the required amount of time then we filled out paperwork, they took our pictures and wanted passport copies. Since Shi Read More

How can I schedule tours of the area?

There are many beautiful tours in the land of the Mundo Maya. This incredible civilization left huge remains that are accessible through incredible jungle forest. Many types of birds, reptiles, and plants and flowers of incredible diversity await you Read More

Insuring Your Property

Property Insurance - What is available, what does it cost? Good insurance coverage is available in Belize. There are several companies from which to choose, and naturally the policies vary a bit company by company. The commentary below is a overview Read More

Can you fish without a boat?

Many fishing operators will tell you that it’s impossible to fish from the beaches in Belize and that you must have a boat to go fishing in Belize. This simply is not absolute. There are several limestone bottom flats that can be waded for bone Read More

Results 111 - 120 of 155