vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl Page Five:

down and settle in:(13 Apr 2000) The settle down part:The settle in part:

truck and add a Bob:


and a shell game:


wheeling and for four pining:

losing a Mike:

Fidel, gain a friend:(15 Feb 2000) The lunch part:

shells and concrete:


town, welcoming the family:

manuevers:(12 Apr 2000) The maneuvers part:

and a pilot:(text coming later) Emory and a singular telephone:(10 Mar 2000) The telephone part:(13 Mar 2000)The burgers part:(13 Mar 2000) vti_cachedhasbots:BR|true vti_cachedhastheme:BR|false vti_cachedhasborder:BR|false vti_botancillaryfiles:VX|_private/window/BB/bbP5.html.cnt