Coming Attractions to

We're brand new and growing fast! Here's what we've got on tap.

  • Maya:We'll be adding a great deal about the Maya and their impact on history of Ambergris Caye.
  • Pirates! We'll be having pirates! Yes some of the most notorious dropped anchor outside the reef of Ambergris Caye and waylaid Spanish galleons filled with gold from the interior of Central America.
  • Community Computer Resource: For local users on the caye, we'll have all the tools to reduce your online time and expense, as well as links that will ZIP you to the information you need for business, school and entertainment. We'll have a forum for computer issues on the island, and all the advice of the digital doctor daily updated.
  • Local Art - look for that in August, we hope to provide a taste of the vibrant art of Ambergris Caye.
  • Fishing: Where, How, and HOW BIG WAS IT? We'll have some real information from people who make their living on the island where the coral sands meet the big wet.
  • Look for Belizean hot spots - the best deals, specials, hot links to Belizean fun and culture. A catch all for what will catch your interest and eye and save you money.
  • Birds: Oh does Ambergris Caye have birds. These are birds you've read about all your life, but hold on Mr. Disney, these are not audioanimatronic, THEIR REAL. If we can be persuasive, we'll have a few local birders giving us the low down on what a Caribbean bird list can look like.
  • THE REEF: Yes, images, stories, shipwrecks, ecosystems. Everything we can show you about the world's second longest barrier reef. Miles and miles of this reef have yet to be explored. We'll be taking a look through pictures, and articles.
  • Dives: We be talkin fish, mon, and all the dives using Ambergris Caye as their jump off point. Hints, tips, and how to do it safe. Where to go, and what to see.
  • Tell us what you want to know about Ambergris Caye! Click HERE

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Copyright by Advantage Information Management

Scenes from Ambergris Caye
CHAIN OF COMMAND thru the eyes of a child
(Note this was a conversation that took place in my home with two 7 year olds)
Eden being a girl and J.L. a boy.
Eden: Who is the Mayor?
Beverely: Junior
Eden: Junior who?
Beverley: The Honorable Manuel Heredia, Our Mayor.
J.L. Odalis' Dad!!!!
Eden: Who is Odalis?
J.L.: The mayor's daughter!!!
Eden: Who is the Mayor?
J.L.: Silly!!!! (as he walks away)
Beverley: Eden, Junior is the "Jefe" (spanish for boss) of San Pedro.
Eden: The whole of San Pedro?
Beverley: Yes.
Eden: He is the "jefe" of your house too?
Beverley: No Eden. You know how I am the "jefe" of my house and your dad the "jefe" of your house and........who do you think in the "jefe" of San Pedro?
Eden: Beverley!

Beverley Mercier, San Pedro Town

Copyright by Advantage Information Management