Ground Breaking Ceremonies for San Pedro Airstrip Extension

Pictured above, left to right are Louis Sylvestre; Mike Godoy, Chairman Belize Airport Authority (BAA) ; Mayor Manuel Heredia, The Honourable Joseph Cayetano breaking ground; Rico Alvarado, CEO BAA and BAA Directors Dorene Quiros and Geraldine Tillett

On Friday 2nd August, 1996 ground breaking ceremonies were held for the extension of the runway in San Pedro Town. Present for the ceremonies were The Honorable Joseph Cayetano, Minister of Energy and Technology, Mayor Manuel Heredia Jr. J.P., Chairman of Belize Airport Authority (B.A.A.) Mr. Mike Godoy, two directors of B.A.A. Mrs. Geraldine Tillett and Mrs. Dorene Quiros, U.D.P. standard bearer Mr. Louis Sylvestre and Mr. Rico Alvarado, Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A.

Mr. Ramon Nuñez master of ceremonies for the occasion, called on town councilor Severo Guerrero for the opening prayer. The Hon. Joseph Cayetano and San Pedro Mayor Heredia did the honors by digging the first shovels of earth for the new project. Following that Mr. Nuñez introduced Mayor Manuel Heredia. In his speech the Mayor said that the extension of the airstrip will make it safer for the people of San Pedro. No longer will planes have to fly over the homes of residents of the area.

Minister Cayetano said that the extension of the airstrip is one of government's commitments to improving the standard of living for all and making it safer. He also said that Mr. Mike Godoy and his people from the B.A.A. had many sleepless nights ever since this project entered the planning stage. This is because they have been working long hours planning and preparing for the project to come on line. With this project completed maybe they can rest a little easier. He then introduced Mr. Mike Godoy and called upon him to say a few words.

Mr. Godoy said that the project of extending the runway and pushing it further south, out of town, will make it safer for all the residents of San Pedro Town. This extension and resurfacing of the runway is scheduled to get started in September. It will be completed in phases. Funding has been approved for phase 1, the resurfacing of the runway from Tropic’s hanger to the existing end of the runway. The extension of the runway will commence when funding is secured. The proposed length of the runway after extension will be 3000 ft.

The airport expansion project is a cooperative effort of the San Pedro Town Board, the Belize Tourist Board (B.T.B.) and the B.A.A. They realize that San Pedro is a major tourist destination and that the runway presently in use is in need of some repairs. He also said that the B.A.A. will continue to work to improve the structure of aviation in Belize making it safe for all. Following the ceremonies officials held a question and answer session and light refreshments were served.

San Pedro Sun

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San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize News