VSO Museum Curator to Assist Ambergris Museum

Press Release - Ambergris Historical Society (AHS), February 12, 1997 -
The Ambergris Historical Society is very pleased to have successfully applied for the services of a VSO (Volunteer Service Organization) museum curator. Mr. Peter Laws is scheduled to arrive in Belize shortly to assist the AHS in preparing the initial exhibit for the museum's opening. There has been much behind the scene activity recently in preparation for installation of this first exhibit. The Royal Ontario Museum of Toronto, Canada is scheduled to send their Chief Designer to work for one week with Mr. Laws in establishing an initial exhibit design plan. Funding is now being sought for the employment of a local trained assistant museum curator, who has been identified and interviewed for the post.

A fund-raising campaign was launched in October to help complete necessary funding needs in order to open the doors with an inaugural exhibit. Recent response from the private sector has been promising but slow. It is hoped that with the start of a new fiscal year, more consideration will be given by the private sector to assist in seeing this project completed. Despite recent funding setbacks, the outlook for '97 is excellent and we hope to make a big step towards opening this year.

The Artifact Collections Committee, headed by Mrs. Pinita Verde, is continuing its efforts in locating relevant pieces for exhibit in the museum. Already many interesting and unique pieces have been loaned to the Society for exhibit use. These include items of jewelry and clothing, memorabilia and instruments from the first band of San Pedro, and military pieces thought to have been brought down from the Yucatan during the Guerra de Castes. There is still need for other pieces and photographs relating to early colonial village life in San Pedro. Anyone interested in joining this effort is asked to contact Mrs. Verde at 026-2104. The Ambergris Historical Society wishes to express its sincere thanks to all who have given their whole-hearted support in this endeavor, and continues to look forward to OPENING DAY!

San Pedro Sun

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