Interview with the Candidates

Over the next seven weeks The Sun Pedro Sun will be featuring a series of interviews with the 7 candidates of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and People's United Party (PUP) who will be participating in the up coming town board elections. The format for the interviews will follow a similar pattern, starting with particulars of each person's background followed by general and political questions. Every week one UDP and one PUP candidate will be interviewed. This week the two candidates are: Severo Guerrero, Sr. and Jose Elito Arceo.

United Democratic Party

Severo Guerrero, Sr. J.P.
Age: 36
Occupation: Tourist Guide
Political Party: United Democratic Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro Town
Married/Wife: Rosario
Children/Grandchildren: Two children; 1 boy and 1 girl.

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: From the very first time I started to vote I voted for the United Democratic Party because this party cares for the people of this country. I believe that it is truly a good party.

Q.: Have you ever held a political office before? If so what office.
A.: I ran for the first time at the last election and was elected a councillor.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee? If so, give details.
A.: I am an appointed member of the Traffic Committee and of the Trade License Board.

Q.: Have you ever been involved in any community activities?
A.: Yes, I was a member of the managing Committee of Caribeña in my late teens. Then for a while I was not involved but I eventually returned to the Committee. I am also a member of the Lions Club. I have been involved in the Lions Club for eight to nine years. I am very interested in the growth and progress of the primary school and because of that I am on the school board. I have been on the board for eight years and I'm still there and I plan to be there for quite some time.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people?
A.: I believe I would make a good representative because I am honest. I am an honest person. I give myself to San Pedro; to work for the town. I don't want to be rich. I am not in politics to get rich and I'm not out to get anything. What I want is to see San Pedro grow and to see the people progress. I care for the people and I will continue to work for them as long as they want me to.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: I believe every part is important. First, the youths and under age drinking. This matter must be taken care of. I would like to see identification cards demanded at bars and discotheques. Then education is another issue that has to be improved and strengthened. Also sports, we will work hard to continue to have sporting events so the people can enjoy them and participate in them. The young people of San Pedro are important to us and that is why we have them participating within our party. In our party one of the young people we have with us is a female. We want to support the women and encourage them to participate in politics. San Pedro should support their women and give them our votes. Lastly, I would like to see the proper filling of lots take place and the distribution of more land in the Boca del Rio area. The land in this area that is to be given out is good, high land and will not need much fulling, none at all, in certain areas.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: I would like to see the people of San Pedro focus on beautification. The finishing of Friendship Park and then eventually joining it to Central Park is a project I would like to see carried through. Also I would like the marina finished so that the cargo boats will be able to dock there instead of in front of the island. Beautification is very important to tourism but the island should not only be made beautiful for visitors but for all of us. Land must be set aside for a much needed Civic Center for San Pedro Town. And also central government promised to build a hospital in San Pedro and I would like to see this happen. This issue needs to be pushed. Another year should not go by without this happening. San Pedro should have proper medical facilities.

Q.: In the event that the town board is a split town board, do you anticipate problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: If we get seven red elected we will work better together, we will share the work load better. Right now we have a split town board and it is working pretty good, the PUP's get along with us, there is no fuss. Their opinions are respected and taken into consideration. What makes it difficult is that some times members of a split town board don't like to work on projects together. We hope to avoid this problems by having all seven red elected. Seven red will work harder, together stronger for the town.

Q.: Would you like to make any other comments?
A.: Only, Vote 7 down the line! Seven red votes all the way!

People's United Party

Jose Elito Arceo
Age: 30
Occupation: Tour Guide/Fisherman
Political Party: People's United Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro Town
Married/Wife: Rebecca
Children/Grandchildren:One son, Dylan, 1 year old.

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: I chose the PUP because it is the only party that had the vision and leadership to lead Belize from colonialism to Independence. It is the only party that has shown me that it cares for the well being of all Belizeans regardless of race, sex, or religion and it is still today the only party with the vision to lead Belize into the 21st century.

Q.: Have you held political office before?
A.: No. This is my first venture in politics and that is part of why I will be a good representative. I will be bringing a fresh attitude to the town board.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee?
A.: No.

Q.: What community activities have you been involved in?
A.: Most of my community activities have consisted of voluntary work. An example is when I helped with the building of the 5-A-Side court.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people of San Pedro?
A.: I feel I will make a good representative of the people because as a young father of a baby and another on the way I can relate to all problems being faced by many young couples or any of the young people of today. These people are the backbone of our young nation and for too long their voices haven't been heard or tended to. We must make plans for our future and the futures of all of our children.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: My party's entire platform is very important but one of the most important and least looked after things by our present government is education. If Belize is to successfully enter the 21st Century it needs to have an educational preparation to counter the many obstacles that will be ahead. One of the ways the PUP plans to achieve this is to ensure that every Belizean child has the right to a sound, affordable and quality education from A.B.C. to U.C.B. Then, if they wish to go further they will have the foundation to do so.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: There are some projects I would like to see undertaken. One of these is better facilities for our children in the schools. Our schools are terribly overcrowded, understaffed and underpaid. I would also like to see more active participation between teachers, students and parents. I want to see better health care programs as well. Some examples would be annual eye, ear and dental exams for school children. Finally, I would like to see a Civic Center built for all community functions such as conferences, workshops and the Sea and Air Festival.

Q.: In the event that the town board is a split election with part of each party getting elected, do you anticipate problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: Should it be a split town board; which I don't anticipate, I will work side by side with the opposition party to ensure that the entire elected Town Board does their best for La Isla Bonita. Regardless of the makeup of the town board the responsibilities and obligations of the members are the same. Ultimately our responsibility is to the people and town of San Pedro.

Q.: Do you have anything else you would like to comment on?
A.: I would like to tell everyone that it is the right of every Belizean to vote and they should exercise that vote. In a small place like San Pedro, a single vote can make a difference in the election. Vote PUP for a brighter future for all of San Pedro.

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