Interview with the Candidates

Over the next seven weeks The Sun Pedro Sun will be featuring a series of interviews with the 7 candidates of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and People's United Party (PUP) who will be participating in the up coming town board elections. The format for the interviews will follow a similar pattern, starting with particulars of each person's background followed by general and political questions. Every week one UDP and one PUP candidate will be interviewed. This week the two candidates are: Nestor Gomez and Hector Trejo.

People's United Party

Hector Trejo
Age: 23
Occupation: Teacher
Political Party: The People's United Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro
Married/Single: Married
Children:1 son

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: I choose the P.U.P. because I think it knows how to govern. It doesn't matter if you're white or black or any color, or any religion. It is a party that serves, serves the people.

Q.: Have you ever held a political office? If so, what office?
A.: No, this is my first time.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee? If so, give details.
A.: No, I have never been a political appointee.

Q.: Have you been involved in any community activities?
A.: Yes, I have been the Vice President of the Leos Club. I am presently the San Pedro Scout Leader and I am an officer in the San Pedro Youth Movement.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people?
A.: The people of San Pedro "La Isla Bonita" need representation that will dignify at the end of the day their hard work. As a young parent, I represent a majority of our people, as such I know the difficulties that we're all going through. Together, we can represent the best of La Isla Bonita once the confidence of vote has been cast.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: The most important is education and if I am elected as a candidate my priority will be education, to help the schools in any way I can and to improve and help in general. We will help the school to have comfortable and ample classrooms. In any area, I will carry the responsibility.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: A project I would really like to see happen is a civic center. I want to see it done. Every town in the country has a civic center or a place that the people can gather, San Pedro should have one. I believe that is the main project that should be carried out.

Q.: In the event that the town board is a split town board, do you anticipate any problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: First of all, I don't advise anyone to split their vote - go red or go blue. But, if there is a split, we will do the best to work with all the other candidates.

Q.: Do you have any other comments?
A.: I just want to say, the people have the decision and they will decide who will be on the town board. A vote for the UDP is a vote for more VAT and higher taxes. For the love of Isla Bonita your family and yourself, vote PUP 7.

United Democratic Party

Nestor Romel Gomez
Age: 29
Occupation: Fishing Guide
Political Party: United Democratic Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro Town
Married/Wife: Wife/Teresa
Children:Alexander 7 and Beatrice 5

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: I chose to belong to this party as a result of growing up when there was only one party in power for over thirty years. I always thought, "why not give an opportunity to another party?" Well, I always looked forward to such an occasion and when the United Democratic Party won the elections, they brought along a positive change: development, equality and especially economic stability throughout Belize, something that each and every one of us can attest to. I supported this party and I believe that my decision was a wise one. I wish to support and work for my party for a long time, especially when they are working and doing what is right, as is the case at this time.

Q.: Have you held political office before?
A.: No.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee?
A.: No.

Q.: Have you ever been active in community service?
A.: Yes. For years I have been a member of the Caribeña Cooperative and the San Pedro Tourist Guide Association and I have been able to participate in various activities which benefitted the community.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people?
A.: I believe and emphatically affirm that in life, one's character is developed on the basis of the goals and objectives that he sets and strives for. This has been my method of accomplishment both at work and in my family. My objectives in life have always been clear cut: to live and work honestly. In this way, one develops a certain discipline through which he earns the recognition and respect of others, especially of his children. With these clearly defined objectives, I believe that I can be a good representative for the people.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: I believe that the most important part of the platform for my political party is the equality that we offer to all Belizeans. We firmly believe that whenever a government is elected to office, we should work for all of the people, not only for the party supporters. Our party has established time and time again that once elected to office, we strive to provide and care for all. This has been shown in the issuing of lots, in the provision of better education and in creating job opportunities for all. Ask the P.U.P. supporters who have benefitted from our present government programs and they will confirm that we are a government for ALL the people.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: This is one of the primary reasons I decided to get involved in running for office. I want to undertake a simple yet important project which is to implement an Environmental Awareness Program for the protection of our natural resources, resources which we can barely count on anymore. As a fisherman, I would like to implement a plan to truly and effectively protect the conch, the bonefish, the tarpon, the permit, the manatee and the turtles that have been the source of income for many San Pedranos.

Q.: In the event that the town board is a split election with part of each party getting elected, do you anticipate problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: We all know that in an election there are winners and there are losers. If I should end up a winner in a split town board, I would work together with the members of the other party for the betterment of San Pedro. After all, it is the people who elect the members of the town board and we owe it to them to work for them should we be elected. However, I firmly believe that we are going to win all seven seats this time.

Q.: Do you have anything else you would like to comment about?
A.: Yes. I am hereby encouraging everyone to come out and vote. Do not stay at home. Voting is your right as well as your duty. When we vote, we are deciding the future of our town and the future of our children. Therefore, think clearly and vote U.D.P. 7.

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