Interview with the Candidates

Over the next seven weeks The Sun Pedro Sun will be featuring a series of interviews with the 7 candidates of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and People's United Party (PUP) who will be participating in the up coming town board elections. The format for the interviews will follow a similar pattern, starting with particulars of each person's background followed by general and political questions. Every week one UDP and one PUP candidate will be interviewed. This week the two candidates are Omar Guerrero of the People's United Party and Juan Alamilla of the United Democratic Party.

People's United Party

Omar Guerrero
Age: 37
Occupation: Building Contractor
Political Party: The People's United Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro
Married/Single: Married
Children:2 children, ages 14 and 9.

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: To me the philosophy of the PUP has a better outlook for the people. That is my purpose for being a candidate; to do my best for the people of San Pedro.

Q.: Have you held political office before? If so, what office?
A.: Yes. I served on the Town Board for 3 years beginning in 1989. After that I was very busy with my work and didn't have the time to participate in politics.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee?
A.: Yes. Mostly with the Sports Committee. I had charge of the Youth's Group and was on the National Sports Committee for participation in the September 10th and September 21st celebrations.

Q.: What community activities have you participated in?
A.: I am a member of the High School Advisory Committee and have participated in Work-a-thons like the one for the 5-a-side court. I am also President of the Semi-Pro Football League.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people?
A.: The town is behind in a lot of work and that is why I am running for office again. They are especially behind in work involving young people. I've done a lot of work with youth groups before and right now what we are seeing is a government doing things only because they have to. They are not really putting anything into it. Just doing things is not enough; they should be done with the proper attitude and commitment.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: The P.U.P. has a much better view of what the country needs than the U.D.P. has. One of the reasons our party can represent the people better is because we don't promise things that we don't have. The U.D.P makes promises and can't deliver on those promises. When you do this, the people suffer. Everyone always wants to look good to other people, but we must realize that we are a poor country and when government plays with the budget the whole country suffers. At election time the politicians will promise everything but we must base our promises on what we actually have available. The present government is trying to fulfill their promises but they don't have the resources to do it. The town board has a loan right now and they have to make a payment each month, so when they increase their debt to fulfill a promise where are they going to get the money? They can only implement more taxes.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: Some of the new projects I would like to see are in the areas that are being developed right now. Areas like the one behind the airstrip and even near Boca del Rio need better streets, water and sewerage. It is taking forever to get these things done. I would like to see our football field be the best in Belize. I have done a lot of work when I was not on the town board and I believe I could accomplish even more if I was elected. I have talked to the other 6 candidates from our party and one of the first projects will be a building with 10 classrooms for the primary school. When you have a problem, like we do with overcrowding in our schools, the problem must be faced and something must be done. We must have an answer. You can't run away from it. On a project like this, the town board would back the project by buying the material, but we would supply the labor through Work-a-thons. I think we should use volunteer labor whenever we can.

Q.:In the event that the town board is a split election with part of each party getting elected, do you anticipate problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: It doesn't really matter to me personally if we have a split Town Board but we have to look at it practically. We have a lot of work to do and if we have a board that is split four to three for the P.U.P., four are going to work hard and three are probably not going to be putting a lot of effort into it. Right now the town has a split town board with a U.D.P. majority. They want everyone to work but they don't want to consider the opinions of the opposition members. The board works much better when it is not split.

Q.: Do you have any other comments?
A.: I think it is important for the public to be informed about the town board through public meetings. Since the U.D.P. has had a majority there has been only one of the quarterly meetings held in three years. The people of San Pedro have no way of knowing what is going on with the budget without these quarterly meetings that are open to the public. Right before the last election the U.D.P. ran a column in the San Pedro Sun called "We The People." I know because I was featured in it almost every week. Why aren't they speaking about these issues now? Why are they never mentioned? Once they even came to me about how bad it was to have alcohol on the school grounds at the 5-a-side court. If it was bad then, why haven't they closed it now? While I am at it, I would like to mention our PUP government. We were trying to pass a 5% tax from the tour guides. People were consulted and they disagreed with the 5% tax. Everyone was having money problems then, so the proposed tax was canceled. The U.D.P. doesn't do it like that. They just shove it down your throat like a capsule. Right now they are trying to implement a 7% tax on condominiums. When they do that, the investors immediately back off. The contractors don't have the work anymore, their employees don't have jobs and there is no money to spend to keep the economy going. In addition, the 15% VAT has stopped the growth of our economy. No matter what the Central Government says, the Town Board goes along with it. No one fights them even when it is something that is absolutely wrong for the people of San Pedro. The water rate business is a good example. The Town Board has an obligation to at least try to work out something. Things don't have to be that expensive. Our candidates will administer our town's affairs together with our PUP mayor (of which we have seven options for this position). We are competent candidates and will take "Isla Bonita" into the 21st century. Our board will not be a one-man show like the present one is.

United Democratic Party

Juan Alamilla
Age: 30
Occupation: Technician
Political Party: United Democratic Party
Place of Birth: San Pedro Town
Married/Children: Married

Q.: Why did you choose your particular political party?
A.: I first believe in God and then I believe in political parties. I chose the U.D.P. party because of its basic principle of helping everybody and as everybody can see, we have clearly shown this principle here in San Pedro.

Q.: Have you held political office before?
A.: No.

Q.: Have you ever been a political appointee?
A.: I served the U.D.P. party as Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee for six years. For the last three years I have been Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Q.: Do you participate in community activities?
A.: Yes. First of all, I am the Vice Chairman of the Ambergris Caye Planning Committee. I am also an advisor to the Town Board. The advisor's role is to advise the Board on new projects; for example, the new parks and other beneficial projects.

Q.: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the people?
A.: I think I make a good representative of the people because I have shown it. I always emphasize priorities that are good for all the people of my town, like achieving the Health Center.

Q.: What do you feel is the most important part of your party's political platform and why?
A.: The most important part of my party's political platform is unity and solidarity. My efforts and encouragement go to the town for achieving this as it is very fruitful. We must continue to join hands and forces with the U.D.P. to make San Pedro continue growing into a prosperous town.

Q.: What new projects would you like to see undertaken should you get elected?
A.: The most important project that I would like to see undertaken if I should be elected is something that not only am I trying to get resolved, but the entire community is looking forward to. I am speaking of the diversification of youth activities. Instead of building a new liquor bar I would like to build a recreational center so the youths can learn a trade, perhaps drafting, electricity, sewing, cooking and so forth. We also need to do something for the elderly and the poor of San Pedro.

Q.: In the event that the town board is a split election with part of each party getting elected, do you anticipate problems? If so, how would you go about solving them?
A.: If you love your town, it doesn't matter if the Town Board is on a split party basis. The important factor is that you want to do something good for the community and not for party affiliation.

Q.: Do you have any additional comments?
A.: The last and most important thing I would like to ask everybody in Belize and especially here in my home town of San Pedro, is that to please put God in front of everything and forget about political problems. It doesn't matter for which party you want to vote, just remember that no political party is going to make you win your way to heaven. During election time avoid discrimination and selfishness. Vote for a party that shows total respect for you and all. May God guide you and bless you.

San Pedro Sun

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San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize News