San Pedro High Class of '97 graduates

The Class of '97
(Photo by Kay Scott)

Another page of history turned on Sunday, June 15, 1997 as the 21 members of the Class of 1997 entered the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church to the strains of Pomp and Circumstance to complete their final day as students of San Pedro High School.

Reverend Maurice Murray S.J. officiated at Mass for the graduates, teachers, families and friends.

Miss Karen Martinez, class president, was Mistress of Ceremonies for the commencement exercise. She warmly welcomed those in attendance and introduced Kanie Manuel who gave the Salutatory Address. Gaspar Guerrero, well known and respected businessman and graduate of SPH addressed the graduates. Guerrero gave some well seasoned advice to both the graduates and parents, encouraging both not to see the graduation as an end but as a beginning of the future. He encouraged parents to continue supporting and encouraging the young adults to become contributing members of San Pedro Town. To the graduates Guerrero cautioned them to apply themselves in their future studies and return to San Pedro to build the community. To those that plan to enter the business community now, he advised them to apply themselves. "Others will come to San Pedro looking for opportunities, you must be prepared and capable if you expect to be employed in our growing tourism industry."

Work hard, take time to enjoy friends, read, participate in service organizations, and find time for fun, these are the keys to success he said. "Stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you, learn from their experience and remember your high school succeeds when you do."

Mr. Nuñez in his address and report bid farewell to the graduates and to parents who were attending the graduation of their youngest child. Nuñez commended the class and the school's teachers. He reported that new classrooms had been added and programs expanded over the past year. He also acknowledged and commended the volunteers who assist in the music and art programs at the school.

Valedictorian Vanya Vasquez recounted the friendships of the classmates and their four year quest to graduate. The graduates then presented roses and thanks to their parents. The third form students participated in the annual candle lighting ceremony and prepared to become next year's leaders. Father Murray blessed the class rings and presented them to the proud graduates. Jocelyn Bremekamp offered the vote of thanks.

Members of the Class of '97 are:

Delia Alamilla, Jocelyn Bremekamp, Fatima Frutos, Giovannie Gonzalez, Baldemar Graniel, Nelda Graniel, Johnny Greif IV, Kristian Guerrero, Alba Heredia, Miriam Hoare, Kainie Manuel, Karen Martinez, Davita Maximo, Shawn Nuñez, Miriam Salazar, Yesenie Salazar, Beatrice Sansorez, Elsier Sansorez, Keisha Spain, Mirtala Tut, Vanya Vasquez.

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