El Doctor Amor

Dr. Love is the island's and possibly the world's greatest authority on just about everything, though the Doctor seldom addresses matters involving the law or religion. Otherwise, Dr. Love answers questions about love, life, relationships, intra-neighborhood squabbles and various other things that people don't understand.

The Sea and Air Festival is upon us. Get your tickets and check out the entertainment. For even more entertainment stand around the gates and watch the guards throw out people who are trying to sneak in.

You may write to the Doctor at P.O. Box 35, San Pedro Town, Belize or fax 026-2905. For all of you cyberspace people - you may E-mail the good Doctor at [email protected].

Dear Doctor Love,
I don't know how far your knowledge extends but I have a question of great concern to Central America. While traveling in Mexico my boyfriend and I took a bus from Vera Cruz to Chetumal. I was appalled to discover that people were smoking openly in the bus stations. Even worse, there was a section in back of the bus where people were allowed to smoke. I used my limited Spanish to politely ask the man in the next seat to stop smoking and he was very rude to me. I'm not sure what he said but it certainly sounded nasty.

Your column is the perfect venue to encourage people to quit smoking and ask for government legislation to control this filthy habit. Thanks for your co-operation.


Dear Visitor,
Don't thank people in advance. You never know when they are going to turn on you. The Doctor may not smoke but still believes it is the right of free men everywhere to commit suicide if they wish. Why don't you hop back on that bus and go back where you came from? People here can be even more rude than they are in Mexico.

Dear Doctor,
There are laws against cutting mangroves here in Belize. The reason is supposedly that mangroves hold the soil together and without them the island would wash away. I don't think this is true. I was a builder in Florida for years and I never saw any problems. One hundred years ago the entire state of Florida was nothing but mangrove swamp and now there are few mangroves left. Yet, the state is still there. How do you explain this?


Dear Developer,
There are several possible explanations. One is that Miami sucks so bad that the soil can't wash away from the state. The Doctor also has a theory that the mangrove roots have been replaced with money and that is the only thing that holds Florida together. Take your pick.

Dear Doctor Love,
Why is it that Caye Caulker has so few vehicles and San Pedro has so many? Why can't San Pedro simply ban vehicles and let everyone walk? If everyone walked or rode bicycles we wouldn't need vehicles at all.


Dear Pedestrian,
At the risk of insulting you the Doctor would like to pose several questions. First; are you some kind of idiot? How do you think the blocks and lumber for your house got there? Do you think they were delivered on a bicycle? Do you realize there are many people on this island who actually have a need for a vehicle? Have you ever ridden in a taxi here? Just because you don't need a vehicle does not mean that everyone else doesn't need one.

As for Caye Caulker, you could fit it on Ambergris Caye several times and still have room for Belize City. This island is long and is spreading out more every day. People must be able to move about.

One other thing is worth mentioning. People on this island already have vehicles and it is too late to talk of banning. The Doctor pities the political party that decides to take away something that the people already have.

Dear Doctor Love,
I am thinking of bringing a vehicle here to San Pedro. Is there a cheap, reliable mechanic on the island?


Dear Lowrider,
No to all three questions.

Dear Dr. Love,
At one of these bars on the island I ate something they called saveechy. It tasted like pencil erasers marinated in lime juice and chile peppers but the taste is addictive. I ate a whole cupful of this stuff and found that it was made from octopus. Yech! How can they serve octopus and not tell anyone what it is until later? This is a dirty trick.


Dear Adventurer,
What do you mean a dirty trick? You got the good stuff, made of octopus. In other countries they call it calimari and you have to pay an arm and a leg for it. Here, bars serve it as a snack. The proper name is ceviche and it is usually made of conch, fish or even chicken. Consider yourself lucky to get octopus.

Dear Doctor Love,
Just before Banyan Bay there is a bar and store called, "El Rey de Todos." They have no trash can. It shows. The street there is filthy. I think they should change the name to "El Rey de Basura."

Scoop, the forgotten Pelican

Dear Scoop,
You're right.

San Pedro Sun

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San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize News