New Town Board Sworn In

Pictured above, left to right, is San Pedro's new town board: Pedro Ayuso, Manuel Heredia, Jr. J.P., Mayor Alberto "Beto" Nuñez, Eiden Salazar Jr., José "Elito" Arceo, Normando "Mandy" Castillo and Omar Guerrero.
On March 20th, 1997, the people of San Pedro Town gathered together at the Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. to witness the swearing in of the seven members of the new San Pedro Town Board.

Ruben Gonzalez, Town Clerk, was the Master of Ceremonies and he also administered the oath of office to the Mayor His Lordship Alberto Nuñez, Deputy Mayor José "Elito" Arceo, and to the five councilors; Omar Guerrero, Pedro Ayuso, Manuel Heredia Jr., Eiden Salazar and Normando Castillo.

Ms. Patty Arceo, P.U.P. Standard Bearer for Belize Rural South, gave the welcoming address. Mayor Nuñez gave a short speech in which he stressed his confidence in the new Town Board and that he knew they would serve the people of San Pedro well. Councilor Eiden Salazar gave the vote of thanks. "The easiest part is winning the election," he said. "Now the challenge must come. We must show solidarity, we must have solidarity for the work we have to accomplish over the next three years. We all pledge to work for everyone and for a better La Isla Bonita."

San Pedro Sun

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