July 21 - 26 date set for 1998 Sea & Air Festival...
1997 Sea & Air Festival a financial success....

The 1997 Sea & Air Festival Committee met for the final time on Wednesday September 10 to go over the accounting of the festival. Treasurer Yolanda Sabido presented the accounting and informed the committee that the final expected profit would be $35,000. Cheered on by the success of this year's festival, the committee immediately began planning for 1998. The first decision made was that the committee would retain funds to begin the next festival and that it would also designate some of the proceeds to improve the football field facility for the benefit of the community. It was moved that all chairmen remain in office. Chairman Gach Guerrero agreed to head the committee as did co-chairman Eiden Salazar Jr. Due to requests from the community and hoteliers the festival will be moved from late August and will be held the last week of July, the 21st - 26th. The committee also decided to print a questionnaire in The San Pedro Sun asking for ideas and suggestion from the community regarding entertainers and events they would like to see included in the festival. The questionnaire will be printed in October.
Sea & Air Festival 1997
Income and Expense Statement

INCOME           BZE $

Sponsors 7,860.00 Booths 2,685.00 Season Passes 63,335.00 Gate Sales 105,655.91 Materials sold 1,000.00 Bar Sales 78,137.30 Misc. Income 465.48 ---------- Total Income 269,138.69 Balance 1995 3,218.45 ---------- Grand total 272,357.14
Telephone        3,776.12
ILEGALES        34,321.44
Misc-            2,209.75
Sound/lighting  15,200.00
Change funds    21,850.00
Office expense   1,232.35
Banners          1,122.80
Pageant          3,104.75
Mexico night
food & expenses  6,585.00
Honduras Night
Food & expenses  1,367.24
Salvador Night
Food & expenses  2,265.84
Guatemala Night
Food & expenses  3,709.00
Belize night
Food & expenses  2,050.00
materials,labor 33,466.98
Bar expense     47,606.77
Advertising        386.40
Stage decoration 2,500.00
Chair Rentals    4,550.00
Airfare         33,839.94
Parade           2,621.00
Accommodations     973.31
T-Shirts         3,429.30
Transportation   2,640.00
Security         7,410.00
Grounds Cleaning 1,200.00
Photographs      2,077.00
Bank charges       748.84
Total expense  242,243.83

Profit          30,113.31
Plus materials   5,134.00
sold from stage	---------

Total expected Profit  35,247.31

The above figures represent the actual cash generated by the festival. The figures do not take into account the services that were contributed by sponsors. The actual cost of entertainment from the Mundo Maya countries was considerably less than in past years due to the sponsorship of Belize night by the Belize Tourist Board, Los Gatos Bravos by Mike Hotchandani, Jose Gabriel by Bonanza Airlines, and Los Unicornios by Ambassador Castellanos of Guatemala. TACA flew the Reina de la Costa Maya contestants at no charge and offered the festival a 50% discount on the 88 tickets for performers from Central America. Island Air and Maya Airways also donated seats for performers. The San Pedro Town Board supplied manpower to assist in constructing the festival grounds and with office staff. They also provided an office for the committee. George Siegrist, the contractor and designer of the best festival stage and layout ever, donated his time. Bowen and Bowen assisted not only with a cash donation but with the tents and bars and equipment. Angelus Press donated office supplies, and Maple Plastic the hundreds of trash bags needed. Pete's Enterprises and the San Pedro Sun and Love FM donated the advertising for the festival. Cuello's, the official rum for the sixth year, donated the rum. American Airlines donated 75% of the tickets to bring Ilegales from Santo Domingo. San Pedro's hoteliers donated 30 rooms for six days to accommodate the performers and representatives from the visiting countries a contribution of over $30,000. The Essene Way accommodated Los Ilegales and Ramon's Village hosted the Reina contestants.

Sponsor's cash and services easily amounted to $150,000, however the contribution of the volunteers who spent months planning the festival, and hundreds of hours meeting performers and guests, working on the grounds, working at the gates, selling tickets at the bars, assisting in every way needed is impossible to convert into a dollar amount. Some of the festival committee members took their vacation so they could work on the festival. Thanks to the employers who gave their workers time off or rearranged their schedules so they could assist.

San Pedro Sun

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San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize News