I'll say so Belize has a charm that is Belize

I have been back in the norte now for a year and have seen that the tv is not a good thing here as well the kids are still shooting each other and now i read that this practice has been exported OH MY LORD drivebys dis no good

The people are far to kind, gental and respectful for this kind of behavior and it is the poison of tv/hollywood that has made this so, but it is not only Belize that suffers this kind of poisoning but almost every where even in cuba, in Havana the cable (owned by PAPA/Castro)even had CNN on it so much for censureship and supressing the news.

It must be the weather or the sushine,the food aw the food or maybe just the smallness of community,or maybe Im just homesick for something that is so awsome, but I do know what made Baron Bliss do what he did for I to have a love for Belize that I can not describe in words even when i lived there and was asked i could not put into words what it was that made me want to be in belize instead of the north

Living is tough in the north no time for friends and family to busy gota go go go go go go go where? just go nowhere but go energy not reality, things not people,bla bla bla......

Some times even the people i know say you really liked Belize didnt you, ah yes i do for it is Belize, but what about this place or that place but it still comes back to Belize where my heart is, so maybe it is because grabs your heart and soul as you pass by it for the people of Belize have a heart and soul that cannt be found any where else