Armed San Pedro Police Officers and Belize Defense Force officers
are currently stationed north of the river in the Buena Vista area to assist residents during Hurricane Emily.

Please report any problems, incidents, suspicious actions to North Shore Patrol Officer Dwayne McCullough at 601-7733! This is a SMART phone and considered to have good reception on this side of the river.

Please be aware that the officers may not be able to get to your location for several hours depending on distance, weather and road conditions. There is no boat traffic at this time.

The officers are still in need of large flashlights.

from other NAC Neighbors:

NAC Neighbors to contact:


We have VHF here at Azul...

We will have a number of people
(myself, Vivian, Francis, and staff)
10 dogs (yes 10)
6 cats
a parrot
a parakeet
16 chickens
8-10 baby chicks...

weathering out the storm here at Azul.

[Jeff and Francis have First Responder Training.]

226 4012
226 4013
226 4325
or radio