Disclaimer: Just like all other web site URLs you find in my posts, I am not engaged as a seller of these homes. I get no commissions from ANYTHING sold through any of the URLs I post.
I am just trying to help my fellow lot owners just like I have been trying to do in all my posts with the URLs you find posted there.

Could many lot owners on Ambergris Caye get together and order a number of homes at the same time to save on shipping costs?

I would like a number of people to look these web sites over and give your opinion on what is the best and most economical hurricane resistant home out of all of them found on the web sites below. Thanks, ELDORADO-777

Look at this web site: http://www.hurricanehut.net/

or this one: http://www.harvestbuildersinternational.com/

OR THIS ONE: http://www.monolithic.com/lists/builders.html