The humor of Paisano is that he is always on the edge of trouble, dancing around it as it were. Miss Celi's beach BBQ is important to the Holiday Hotel. I notice that Paisano will never come around during the main event, but rather after all but a few leave. I don't feel that Miss Celi understands Pisano as a comedian or she would replace that Bob Morley picture in the bar with the picture of Pisano that Iguana Jack has in his studio. Pisano is more Belizian than Bob Morley. Anyway, sometimes Pisano does things so out of bounds as to make it difficult to respond. I saw Paisano carry a huge Barricuda Head through the lobby of the Holiday Hotel, in the middle of happy hour. No one said a word. My advice, Timm, is to get Miss Celi good and drunk, ask about Paisano, and just let the tape roll.

Gone fishing!!