Texas Cat,

We have also just celebrated our 20th aniversary in June.

And now as far as any tips are concerned...

(1) one of the "mistakes" that new divers make is to become very nervous and excited in the water; they breathe too fast and too shallow. Instead, relax when entering the water, imagine that you are in the swimming pool when taking your lessons. Concentrate on breathing in a slow, deep, and regulated manner.

Every new diver imagines that there is a

<font face="Impact" color="#990033" size="10">MAN-EATING SHARK!</font>

watching them and waiting to devour them! (My thanks to Stevenalice and my 18 year old son, John, for that!)

In 5 years of diving, we have only seen a couple of nurse sharks (and nurse sharks are very docile, wouldn't hurt a sand flea!), we even swam with one nurse shark in Cancun for 15 minutes; petting it and having our picture taken with it (divemaster used one of JaneinPa's large size baggies to keep camera dry).

(2) Secondly, when you are swimming along above the reef (though not too close to damage the reef); swim very slowly, this accomplishes two things: you don't overexert yourself and cause fast, shallow breathing; and more importantly, there are so many small creatures, such as banded shrimp, toadfish, sea horses (these are very hard to find), and many other critters to see on the reef that you will miss them if you go to fast. If your group is going to fast, ask the divemaster to slow down!

Our last trip to Belize (3 years ago) was after 20 dives and we were quite comfortable diving in the daytime, but that night dive really freaked-out Della - she held the divemasters hand for the entire dive. Now after 80 dives, she is ready to try this again. My only regret is that I waited so long to begin my scuba diving career!

You will really enjoy this sport.

[This message has been edited by patrick-e (edited 09-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by patrick-e (edited 09-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by patrick-e (edited 09-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by patrick-e (edited 09-09-2000).]