So I sent Steve a quick note politely asking him to remove us from his mailing list and to not e-mail again... ever. His reply was rather rude:

"Sorry, we looked for your e-mail address under Azul, info@, and reservations@ but didn't find it. We see your address now and will remove it. Thanks for being so shitting... Steve O'Dell Producer"

I thought you might all enjoy my reply:


Please remove "Azul" completely... Both info@ as well as any individual e-mail addresses you might have.

Furthermore, "shitting" is the present participle of "shit"... Therefore, it is impossible for me to "be" shitting (in terms of a manner in which to act... I can obviously be in the act OF shitting, which I do once or twice a day, depending on what I have eaten, but I don't think that was what you were trying to thank me for???)

For behavior,

I can be a shit.

I can be or act shitty.

But I cannot "be so" shitting.

